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Archives for June 2014

Summer Proof Your Home Insurance

Summer is finally here, and that means back yard pool parties, family barbecues and fireworks celebrations. It also means you are at increased risks to accidents and injuries stemming from these summertime festivities. You may think your homeowner’s insurance policy will protect you against any and all accidents, but if the incident that caused injury or damage was easily preventable, your insurance company may attempt to deny your claim. Most homeowners would prefer to avoid any incident in the first place. For those

Is Your Home Insurance Tornado Proof?

Unlike hurricane, earthquakes and floods, damage to your home caused by tornadoes is covered under a basic home insurance policy. What many homeowners discover too late, however, is that their traditional homeowners insurance package was insufficient to help them repair or rebuild following a severe tornado event. Tornadoes are an extremely common natural disaster in the United States. According to the Disaster Prevention Organization, an average of 1,200 twisters touches down each year across the country. More than 200

Find Summer Coverage for Your RV

Before making plans to enjoy the outdoors in your RV this summer, be sure that you have the insurance coverage you need before traveling. An RV insurance policy will offer you coverage for a wide range of circumstances that basic car insurance policies are not designed to cover. What makes a good RV insurance policy? Most RV insurance policies also offer liability and personal belonging replacement limits that are higher than car insurance policies. After all, you keep many more items of considerable value in your RV than